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About Us

Established in 1945, IPAA WA is the professional body for the public service of Western Australia. We exist to reach our vision of Excellence in the Public Sector.

The Western Australia Institute of Public Administration Australia established in 1945, is a not-for-profit professional association which enables those with an interest in public administration and public sector reform to exchange ideas on trends, practices and innovations. Our purpose is to advance excellence in the public sector.

What We Do


Inform and Improve

Inform and improve public sector outcomes by delivering high quality, industry recognised professional development and training programs.


Connect and Celebrate

Provide opportunities to develop a connected and collaborative public sector. And celebrate the successes of the  public sector


Inspire and Influence

Inspire and influence the public sector by providing opportunities to discuss and advocate for targeted outcomes.

Our Services

How We Do It

We believe that members of the public service make a difference, which is why we are committed to helping you succeed.

We foster positivity and creativity by offering opportunities for sharing and learning through our wide range of eventstraining courses and networking opportunities.

We are not a union, so we don’t comment on public sector industrial relations issues or other political situations. Rather, we strive to make the general public and wider community aware of current and potential future issues to promote ethical governance and overall excellence in the sector. As a strong membership organisation, we welcome new members from both the public and private sectors who are passionate about the professionalism and future of WA.

The Institute offers extensive opportunities to enrich your professional development through workshops, seminars, briefings and customised programs:

Keeping you ahead of the trends

Our forums and seminars bring you the best of Local, National, and International practitioners and academics

Keeping you informed

Through Special Interest Groups, Regional Networks, publications and our website

Improving your skills and knowledge

Through a broad range of public sector specific training offered by our training and development program.

Premier Corporate Partners

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