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True and correct nominations

A basic assumption of those on the short listing and judging panels is that all statements contained in each nomination are true. Although the panels do not look for confirmation, in some instances it may be prudent for the panel to ask the nominee to provide relevant supporting documents. For example, if a response statement mentions superlatives and qualifiers (e.g. “world class”, “is generally acknowledged as leading the field”), these statements must be supported by valid evidence.

Response statements

In the Assessment Criteria, nominations must address each Award criterion. In these pages a nomination that expends text in presenting a list of awards gained by the individual or team is not sufficient, although passing reference to a supporting document containing a list of previous accolades could be useful.


The judging panels are unable to spend time sorting or sifting through nominations which have been completed incorrectly to find the relevant information. Make sure you address each of the criteria for the Award category clearly and specifically.

Explanation of projects, initiatives or programs

Remember to explain why your project, initiative or program was created, rather than just stating what the project, initiative or program is. For example, what was the need that gave rise to the project, initiative or program being created or developed?

Demonstrated results

Nominations must be able to demonstrate results achieved and the difference that the initiative, program or project has made based on the criteria. This will, therefore, require time to elapse: nominees should consider the disadvantage inherent in submitting a nomination too soon, before such results can be reported. Recognition cannot be given for just ‘doing’ a project, recognition can only be given for the demonstrated achievement of results.


Where possible provide dates and show the period of time over which the events occurred. Explain the duration of the project, initiative or program. For example, is it a once off, or a continuing project, initiative or program?

General Observations

The below is for consideration only and are not mandated as part of the Awards nomination process.

  1. Entries will be assessed on the basis of information, references and documentation provided via the online entry form.
  2. If shortlisted as an Award finalist, the Summary Statement may be published in the Awards presentation program booklet, on the website or in the montly iNews. Please ensure your Summary Statement has internal approval by the appropriate person/department.
  3. For each award you are asked to provide contact details of referees who may later be asked to provide written references if your entry is shortlisted for an award.
  4. An individual or team can nominate themselves and/or someone from their organisation depending on the Award nomination criteria.
  5. All nominations must be received by the published deadline. Nominations received after this date will not be considered.
  6. Once nominations have been submitted they become the property of the Institute and will not be returned to the entrants. Nominees may be asked to provide additional information as required by the judging panel.
  7. There is no limit to the number of nominations an organisation may submit.
  8. Nominees who have been misleading in their submissions or whose activities are not compliant with current relevant legislation may be withdrawn from the judging process or have Awards revoked.
  9. All decisions and recommendations made by the judging panel are binding, confidential and final. No further correspondence will be entered into at any time.
  10. The Award judges reserve the right to move an Award nomination to a more appropriate category if they deem it necessary.
  11. By submitting a nomination you agree that IPAA WA is entitled to use information and images contained in the nomination to promote the Awards and that the information and images provided have the appropriate internal copyright clearances.
  12. The entrant(s) accept that they or their organisation may be required for presentations and media interviews in respect to their entry.
  13. Email confirmation with receipt of nomination will be emailed to the nominated contact person within three working days of receiving the nomination. If the contact person from your organisation does not receive a confirmation email, it is the responsibility of that organisation to contact the Awards Co-ordinator.
  14. By submitting your application for the Awards you agree that you have read, understood and accept these conditions.

Last Updated: 14 March 2017

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