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The Honourable Joe Francis MLA Minister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services; Small Business; Veterans kicked off the celebrations for the Institute of Public Administration Australia WA (IPAA WA) 29th Annual W.S. Lonnie Awards for excellence and accountability in annual reporting, at the Hyatt Regency Perth on Friday 28th March 2014.

The Awards attracted CEOs, Directors General and Commissioners from across State government agencies and statutory bodies, all hoping to take out the prestigious W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy – awarded to the best annual report for the year.

The primary vehicle for accountability in the Public Sector has been and always will be the way agencies report their performance. The W.S. Lonnie Awards recognise the importance of Annual Reports being accountable and transparent in a succinct and independent way. All State agencies are eligible and are automatically considered as part of the judging process.

This year, the Institute is proud to announce that 2014 marks the 29th Anniversary of this long-standing and prestigious event. These awards below are judged in 2013 and presented in 2014.

Thank you to the Sponsors of the Specialist Awards

Want to improve your chances of winning a W.S. Lonnie?

Register for Producing a Brilliant Annual Report on 16 April 2014. Featuring winner of the 2013 W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy, WA Police. This half-day morning seminar will guide you through the process of planning, designing and collating a BRILLIANT annual report with comments from WS Lonnie Judge, Chris Doepel.

The WS Lonnie Memorial Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report for the year.

WINNER: Water Corporation

Judges Comments: The chemistry was right this past year for the Water Corporation. The agency appears to have observed the best practice demonstrated in recent years by W.S. Lonnie Trophy winners and has taken in the judges’ comments. The report overall was a model of clarity, setting a new benchmark in agency reporting for Western Australia.

Margaret McAleer Special Commendation

The award is presented at the discretion of the panel for an outstanding report that, in some respect, establishes a benchmark to which others should aspire.

WINNER: Water Corporation

The Allan Skinner Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the General Government Sector.

WINNER: WorkCover WA

Judges Comments: WorkCover generally demonstrates a high standard in its annual reports. This year was no exception with great emphasis being placed on achieving clarity of communication of extensive information.

The Margaret Nadebaum Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the Government Enterprise Sector.

WINNER: Water Corporation

Category 1 – Agencies with < 100 FTEs

Gold: Western Australian Electoral Commission

Judges Comments: The WA Electoral Commission’s report told a good story. The year 2013 was very busy for the Commission. It was required to apply its resources to a wide range of tasks. The Commission’s report revealed it to be a self-aware agency that was realistic about its capabilities. It also offered an assessment of the difficulties faced in carrying out is mandate, which was refreshing and informative.

Silver: State Heritage Office

Bronze: Economic Regulation Authority

Category 2 – Agencies with 101 – 1,000 FTEs

Gold: WorkCover WA

Judges Comments: WorkCover WA’s report was attractively presented. It featured excellent layout and very good use of graphs to communicate complex and detailed information. The contents of the report were readily accessible to the reader.

Silver: Office of the Auditor General and Zoological Parks Authority

Category 3 – Agencies with > 1,000 FTEs

Gold: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Judges Comments: The judges considered this to be an outstanding report. It was effective in relating ‘warts and all’ in the agency’s story for 2013. It gave the reader a feel for the challenges that were faced. Overall, it demonstrated effective use of the rigours of the annual reporting format to deliver an informed narrative.

Silver: Department of Education

Bronze: Western Australia Police

Category 4 – Government Trading Enterprises

Gold: Water Corporation

Judges Comments: The judges considered the Water Corporation’s report to be outstanding. It communicated the agency’s performance very clearly, making excellent use of charts, tables and other devices to describe the operating environment. The report was generally superior to all others judged for 2013.

Silver: Fremantle Port Authority

Bronze: Geraldton Port Authority

There are seven additional Specialist Awards for 2014 that are presented on the day.

Office of the  Auditor General Award for Transparency and Accountability

WINNER: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Judges Comments: The judges considered this report to offer the most accessible presentation under the criteria for the award. It gave a clear account of outcomes-based management, showing in particular the agency’s means of responding to the challenges it faced and its preparations for anticipated challenges.

Joint Award led by the Department of Commerce for Occupational Safety, Health and Injury Management

WINNER: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Judges Comments: The Department of Fire and Emergency Services exceeded the Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular 2009/11: Code of Practice: Occupational Safety and Health in Western Australia Public Sector (Circular)  requirements by displaying a high level of transparency and disclosure in safety and injury management performance and an ongoing commitment to improve its occupational safety and health injury management process.

Special Commendation: Water Corporation and Metropolitan Cemeteries Board.

State Records Commission Award for Excellence in Compliance Reporting

WINNER: Fremantle Port Authority

Judges Comments: The Port Authority’s annual report statement comprehensively describes the agency’s work towards best practice in records and information management and compliance with the State Records Act 2000. Alongside a robust governance framework which includes regular internal and external audits, a training and induction program provides recordkeeping information to new and current employees in various formats. Specific initiatives implemented during 2012-13 include; an audit of hard copy archives, disaster recovery prioritization and recovery strategies; and a unique Knowledge and Information Management Program which maps critical information utilizing historical knowledge of key personnel to enhance succession planning. The report provides not only a current snapshot of information activities, but also its long term goals for capturing and preserving its corporate memory.

Special Commendation: Department of Mines and Petroleum and Western Australian Electoral Commission.

Ombudsman Western Australia Award for Complaints Handling

WINNER: Aqwest

Judges Comments: The Aqwest report was exemplary in its clarity of description of the complaints handling process. The agency showed that it clearly understood the requirements upon it.

CPA Australia Award for Performance Reporting

WINNER: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Judges Comments: Excellent and informative report. Easy to read and understand. The report clearly articulated the use of Performance indicators to drive overall improvement to the Department. Data was clear, easily interpreted  and informative.

Public Sector Commission Award for Good Governance

WINNER: Office of the Auditor General

Judges Comments: The Office of the Auditor General’s report showcased the strong work that the agency has progressed in building a capable workforce, promoting ethical conduct and enabling clear communication with staff and external stakeholders. The report clearly documented the agency’s governance structures and the alignment between operations and strategic priorities.

Special Commendation: WorkCover WA, Metropolitan Cemeteries Board and Department of Mines and Petroleum.

Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia Award for Chief Financial Officer of 2013


  • Graeme Doyle, Department of Transport
  • Karl Matacz, Synergy
  • Michelle Fitzgerald, Office of the Information Commissioner
  • Peter Carden, Department of State Development

WINNER: Karl Matacz, Synergy

Judges Comments: In his submission, Karl Matacz showed strong commitment to governance and best practice in a dynamic electricity retail environment that is evolving quickly. He was instrumental in establishing financial controls and processes that reduce costs and ensure all revenue is captured. He oversaw the implementation of a new system that improves Synergy’s compliance with REC obligations while providing greater visibility of the cash-flow impact of these purchases, as well as an investment strategy to better manage surplus cash. He was instrumental in significant advances in Synergy’s reputation amongst government and industry peers, and contributed positively to the corporation’s brand. He has displayed a consistent and broad achievement of goals in challenging circumstances.

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