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The Institute of Public Administration Australia WA’s (IPAA WA) 37th Annual W.S. Lonnie Awards for excellence and accountability in annual reporting was held at the Hyatt Regency Perth on Friday 24th of June 2022. IPAA WA President, Mike Rowe, and fellow Councillor, Jenness Gardner, co-hosted the ceremony.

The Awards attracted CEOs, Directors General and Commissioners from across State government agencies and statutory bodies, all hoping to take out the prestigious W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy – awarded to the best annual report for the year.

The primary vehicle for accountability in the Public Sector has been and always will be the way agencies report their performance. The W.S. Lonnie Awards recognise the importance of Annual Reports being accountable and transparent in a succinct and independent way. All State agencies are eligible and are automatically considered as part of the judging process.

Message from Chair of the Judging Panel

Mike Wood, 2022 Chair of the W.S. Judging Panel provided an outline of the judging process and key observations from the panel.

W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report for the year.

WINNER: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments:
This is a very informative report. The structure is clear, the snapshot information is excellent, the business results graphs is very well presented. Once again an excellent report on activities and KPIs, and the processes for complaints handling was great.

Margaret McAleer Special Commendation

The award is presented at the discretion of the panel for an outstanding report that, in some respect, establishes a benchmark to which others should aspire.

WINNER: Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia

Judges’ Comments:
This report provided a good explanation of challenges and issues affecting delivery of services, and had an excellent complaints information. It outlined key issues for the future, particularly in ensuring people have access to justice, especially those in regional and remote communities.

Allan Skinner Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the General Government Sector.

WINNER: Small Business Development Corporation

Judges’ Comments:
The report has a good feel, graphics and snapshot information. It uses case studies well to demonstrate activities. The structure with the narrative around variance positioned up front was appreciated. The detail and presentation around activity reports and personal case studies was really interesting and well handled.

The Margaret Nadebaum Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the Government Enterprise Sector.

WINNER: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments:
A very good report in all respects. The report is clear and concise, and very informative, covering significant detail in an accessible manner. The report, has a community feel in its narrative which acknowledges the Port as part of the Fremantle community.

Category 1 – Agencies with < 100 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Small Business Development Corporation

Judges’ Comments: 
Very good activity reports and use of case studies. The overview of COVID impact was well handled and the outline of future issues was great. The report has a good feel, nice graphics and snapshot information. An engaging read, made it feel very ‘human’.

Silver Award Winner: Western Australian Electoral Commission

Judges’ Comments: 
The report has significant information regarding structure of the agency, committees, objectives, values and goals. The commentary on the outputs in the performance section was clear and easy to read. Good corporate governance and internal audit.

Bronze Award Winner: Great Southern Development Commission

Judges’ Comments: 
Well-structured report with clearly focussed messaging. This report has an open feel with plenty of positives for the region. The narrative is engaging and the reporting in KPIs is credible. The discussion of the implementation of the SW Native Title Settlement to Noongar people was wonderful.

Category 2 – Agencies with 101 – 1,000 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

Judges’ Comments: 
Very high-level, well-presented report. Clear, good graphics, and a balanced blend of scientific information, with data and narrative. Fantastic overview of performance, which provided key relevant information. Very informative on plans for plastics, METRONET, climate action and Indigenous inclusion in water planning.

Silver Award Winner: Office of the Auditor General

Judges’ Comments: 
The report is very comprehensive and polished. The year in review is an excellent start to the report. It is easy to read and very informative for the reader – the highlights table linked to government policy was appreciated. Also provides a sound discussion as to shortfalls in some KPI areas, and how these will be addressed in future.

Bronze Award Winner: Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia

Judges’ Comments: 
The report outlined key issues for the future, particularly in ensuring people have access to justice, especially those in regional and remote communities. It provides an explanation of challenges and issues affecting delivery of services, links goals to performance very well, and had a good section on complaints handling and reporting.

Category 3 – Agencies with > 1,000 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Judges’ Comments: 
Really well-structured report. User friendly, and impressive use of what, why, how for discussing performance metrics. Covers the difficulties faced over the year, and highlights how these have been addressed. The snapshot of the year in graphics is very well presented. Very clear link between government priorities and strategic outcomes.

Silver Award Winner: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments: 
An excellent report – presentation is very high quality, including the spread of pictures, graphs, tables and graphics. Reporting on sustainability and value chain tables was also excellent.

Bronze Award Winner (Joint): Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Judges’ Comments: 
Interesting, informative and attractive report with substantial information on activities. The report has great attention to design, graphics, pictures and tables with appropriate text in-between. The presentation of KPIs and KEIs was great, and the report outlined a very good complaint process also.

Bronze Award Winner (Joint): Western Australia Police Force

Judges’ Comments: 
Comprehensive report, very informative. Well explained activities, challenges, and KPIs. It has a forward looking feel, with the discussion of significant issues affecting the agency very well considered. The timeline of operations is excellent, as is the ‘at a glance’ graphics and information.

Category 4 Government Trading Enterprises

Gold Award Winner: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments: 
A very good report in all respects. The report is clear and concise, and very informative, covering significant detail in an accessible manner. The report, has a community feel in its narrative which acknowledges the Port as part of the Fremantle community.

Silver Award Winner: Western Australian Treasury Corporation

Judges’ Comments: 
This is a solid report with strong links to KPIs and outcomes. It has a good presentation and coverage of performance and approach to corporate governance. The client satisfaction KPI and the reporting on Boards/governance were both excellent. Very focussed report reflecting the core business.

Bronze: Pilbara Ports Authority

Judges’ Comments:
Excellent presentation of goals, objectives, and priorities. Pilbara Ports have presented a polished report with a good feel for the Pilbara and the issues affecting the agency. The overview of performance was fantastic, and the agency has a clear complaints process.

There are six Specialist Awards presented on the day.

Office of the Auditor General Award for Transparency and Accountability

WINNER: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments:
Very good coverage of risk, audit, BCP, fraud & corruption, integrity etc. Reporting on sustainability and value chain tables was also excellent. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, and the ESG components were well explained.

State Records Commission Award for Excellence in Records and Information Management

WINNER: Ombudsman WA

Judges’ Comments:
The Annual Report from the Ombudsman addresses how records, including data and other information, are managed across the organisation, taking into account information outside an electronic documents and records management system (EDRMS). This approach highlights the opportunity for a holistic approach to information management, incorporating training and processes that integrate records in all their forms.

Public Sector Commission Award for Good Governance

WINNER: Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Judges’ Comments:
The department’s report was detailed, clear and easy to read. After finishing the report, the reader is clear about the agency’s role and how its work contributes to government priorities. Integrity, governance and transparency were clear themes throughout the report. Supporting visuals/diagrams made information easy to locate and understand, and the report included all compulsory reporting requirements.

Special Commendation:

  • WorkCover WA
  • CPA Australia Award for Performance Reporting

WINNER: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Judges’ Comments:
Overall meets criteria for effective performance reporting. Very clear Annual Report Structure – summary of performance provided early on to set the scene. Very clear diagrammatic reference of the goal/outcome structure under which they operate. Overall a very well presented and structured report on performance.

Special Commendation:

  • Department of Health
  • Ombudsman Western Australia Award for Complaints Handling

WINNER: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments:
Great balance in coverage of performance and approach to governance. Notably good coverage of audit and risk management, and very notable approach to complaints management.

Special Commendation:

  • Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia
  • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Award for Chief Financial Officer of the Year

WINNER: Philippa Beamish Burton, Department of Education

Special Commendation:

John Arkell – WA Country Health Service

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