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The Institute of Public Administration Australia WA’s (IPAA WA) 39th Annual W.S. Lonnie Awards for excellence and accountability in annual reporting was held at the Hyatt Regency Perth on Friday 22nd March 2024. IPAA WA President, Jenness Gardner, and IPAA WA Councillor, Ian Cowie PSM FIAAWA, co-hosted the ceremony.

The Awards attracted CEOs, Directors General and Commissioners from across State government agencies and statutory bodies, all hoping to take out the prestigious W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy – awarded to the best annual report for the year.

The primary vehicle for accountability in the Public Sector has been and always will be the way agencies report their performance. The W.S. Lonnie Awards recognise the importance of Annual Reports being accountable and transparent in a succinct and independent way. All State agencies are eligible and are automatically considered as part of the judging process.

W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report for the year.

WINNER: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments:
An exceptionally well produced and informative report. The presentation and structure are excellent, reflecting a clear intent to produce an appealing, reader-friendly layout. Details are very easy to find throughout. This report provides the best approach to addressing corporate governance from this year’s reports.

Information on the establishment of the Portfolio Aboriginal Engagement Team reflects a focus throughout the report on fostering Aboriginal engagement and participation and promoting cultural recognition. There is good information about complaints processes. The report is further differentiated by its use of integrated reporting principles and a strong focus on sustainability.

Margaret McAleer Special Commendation (2 Winners)

The award is presented at the discretion of the panel for an outstanding report that, in some respect, establishes a benchmark to which others should aspire.

WINNER: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

Judges’ Comments:
A well-presented report, with good use of graphics, illustrations, and readily accessible information. The report is well structured and presented and provides a comprehensive report on performance. There is good use of technology, and links via QR codes to external resources such as videos, to support the report and provide access to information on the agency’s achievements.

WINNER: Western Australia Police Force

Judges’ Comments:
A well-presented report, with a clear focus on good communication, with helpful use of graphics and links to videos. The report is clearly written and informative, including a welcome emphasis on timely response, a strong focus on the Police Force’s vision, and a good section on complaints handling.

Allan Skinner Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the General Government Sector.

WINNER: Office of the Auditor General

Judges’ Comments:
A model report that is thorough, informative, and forward-looking. The structure and layout of the report are outstanding, with a clear flow throughout and good illustrations. The report discusses key issues, emphasises the continual need for improvement and includes a strong section on analytics and comparative performance.

The Margaret Nadebaum Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the Government Enterprise Sector.

WINNER: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments:
An excellent annual report that is very readable while providing substantial detail and information. Noteworthy components of the report include the snapshot of the year, informative case studies, and overall presentation.

The report includes good coverage of corporate governance, a good complaints handling section, and a strong focus on WH&S, while also illustrating good community engagement, and highlighting the organisation’s future vision. There is good linkage to videos throughout, via QR codes, and a variety of graphs/charts that are well explained.

Category 1 – Agencies with < 100 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Pilbara Development Commission

Judges’ Comments: 
This is a well-presented report with ample information on the region and the work of the Commission. The information on the different local projects is very informative, and the report had a good approach to reporting performance. Information is easily found, easy to read, and very well structured.

Silver Award Winner: Western Australian Electoral Commission

Judges’ Comments: 
An informative, reader-friendly and focused report, with a clear layout. The report tells the story of the year well, while also looking to the future. It features one of the better commentaries on corporate governance, and includes good information on the Commission’s program for teacher training.

Bronze Award Winner: Peel Development Commission

Judges’ Comments: 
An informative report with a positive and constructive tone. The report has a very logical layout, clean, modern presentation, and a good approach to performance reporting with the Commission’s themes well linked to Government objectives.

Category 2 – Agencies with 101 – 1,000 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Office of the Auditor General

Judges’ Comments: 
A model report that is thorough, informative, and forward-looking. The structure and layout of the report are outstanding, with a clear flow throughout and good illustrations. The report discusses key issues, emphasises the continual need for improvement and includes a strong section on analytics and comparative performance.

Silver Award Winner: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

Judges’ Comments: 
A well-presented report, with good use of graphics, illustrations, and readily accessible information. The report is well structured and presented and provides a comprehensive report on performance. There is good use of technology, and links via QR codes to external resources such as videos, to support the report and provide access to information on the agency’s achievements.

Bronze Award Winner: Department of Finance

Judges’ Comments: 
An excellent report presenting complex processes and information clearly and accessibly whilst still including an excellent level of detail. There is a clear effort to engage the reader and to provide a good understanding of the Department’s role and activities, including clear linkage of performance to the agency’s five core roles.

Category 3 – Agencies with > 1,000 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments:
An exceptionally well produced and informative report. The presentation and structure are excellent, reflecting a clear intent to produce an appealing, reader-friendly layout. Details are very easy to find throughout. This report provides the best approach to addressing corporate governance from this year’s reports.

Information on the establishment of the Portfolio Aboriginal Engagement Team reflects a focus throughout the report on fostering Aboriginal engagement and participation and promoting cultural recognition. There is good information about complaints processes. The report is further differentiated by its use of integrated reporting principles and a strong focus on sustainability.

Silver Award Winner: Department of Transport

Judges’ Comments: 
An excellent, comprehensive report, with outstanding layout and structure. The report places a praiseworthy emphasis on challenges, which are clearly outlined. It also includes a strong focus on complaints handling and performance reporting and provides an informative overview of the agency’s services.

Bronze Award Winner: Western Australia Police Force

Judges’ Comments: 
A well-presented report, with a clear focus on good communication, with helpful use of graphics and links to videos. The report is clearly written and informative, including a welcome emphasis on timely response, a strong focus on the Police Force’s vision, and a good section on complaints handling.

Category 4 Government Trading Enterprises

Gold Award Winner: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments: 
An excellent annual report that is very readable while providing substantial detail and information. Noteworthy components of the report include the snapshot of the year, informative case studies, and overall presentation. The report includes good coverage of corporate governance, a good complaints handling section, and a strong focus on WH&S, while also illustrating good community engagement, and highlighting the organisation’s future vision. There is good linkage to videos throughout, via QR codes, and a variety of graphs/charts that are well explained.

Silver Award Winner: Western Australian Treasury Corporation

Judges’ Comments: 
An impressive report with comprehensive information on the year. The report has a very good layout, is excellently presented and is easy to read. The performance and governance sections are well reported on, and there is an impressive forward-looking emphasis.

Bronze: Southern Ports Authority

Judges’ Comments:
A clear and user-friendly presentation with a well-structured and categorised approach to reporting performance. It includes useful information on the agency and its services, as well as interesting information regarding ports. The report is forward-looking and places particular emphasis on sustainability and environment.

There are six Specialist Awards presented on the day.

Office of the Auditor General Award for Transparency and Accountability

WINNER: Office of the Auditor General

Judges’ Comments: 
A model report that is thorough, informative, and forward-looking. The structure and layout of the report are outstanding, with a clear flow throughout and good illustrations.

The report discusses key issues, emphasises the continual need for improvement and includes a strong section on analytics and comparative performance.

State Records Commission Award for Excellence in Records and Information Management

WINNER: Western Australian Museum

Judges’ Comments:

The WA Museum has demonstrated a clear commitment to exceptional information management in compliance with the State Records Commission Standards.

Efficiency and effectiveness in managing records in accordance with their current record keeping plan is reflected in a comprehensive and engaging Annual Report statement.
The judges were particularly impressed with the record keeping support offered to museum staff. Induction and ongoing training programs, individualised support, and staff feedback have ensured that new and existing staff are supported in their record keeping responsibilities.

The WA Museum’s efforts towards developing an inclusive and ongoing training program have resulted in a marked increase in records capture and management over the past five years.
Additionally, their statement includes a helpful description of how they are currently exploring innovative technologies to enhance processes.  This gives a clear reflection of the WA Museum’s current record keeping landscape and how it might evolve over time.

The WA Museum’s annual report presents an excellent account of their work to monitor and improve its record keeping practices throughout the State.

Public Sector Commission Award for Good Governance

WINNER: Child and Adolescent Health Service

Judges’ Comments:
The report demonstrates excellence in reporting of governance and programs, making clear the links with agency outcomes.

The reader is consistently engaged through strategic graphical presentation of complex information. Written content, images and infographics maximise clarity, transparency and the impact of the messaging.

The report satisfies all compulsory reporting requirements.
The reader is also struck by the agency s clear-eyed engagement with the risks and challenges of its operating environment, including evidence of relevant responses, aligned coherently with strategic priorities and organisational values.

CPA Australia Award for Performance Reporting

WINNER: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Judges’ Comments:

The DFES report is of exceptional quality, providing users with easily comprehensible and comprehensive information.

The DFES annual report clearly articulates achievements linked to Strategy Outcomes.

The DFES KPI’s include a description of why the indicator is in place, how it is calculated and what it shows, which is of great benefit to the reader.

Award for Complaints Handling

WINNER: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments:
An excellent annual report that is very readable while providing substantial detail and information. Noteworthy components of the report include the snapshot of the year, informative case studies, and overall presentation.

The report includes good coverage of corporate governance, a good complaints handling section, and a strong focus on WH&S, while also illustrating good community engagement, and highlighting the organisation’s future vision.

There is good linkage to videos throughout, via QR codes, and a variety of graphs/charts that are well explained.

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Award for Chief Financial Officer of the Year

WINNER: Kevin Parry – Chief Financial Officer, Economic Regulation Authority

Judges’ Comments:
Kevin has been praised by the judging panel for his team selection and retention strategies.

He has also been impactful across a number of areas, but particularly in the areas of leadership and innovation. In addition, he has improved the risk management process and presentation of reporting to make it more end-user friendly, including identifying that the risk management software was not fit-for-purpose, and automating previously manual reporting measures.

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