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Major W.S. Lonnie Awards and Trophies

Awarded to the best annual report for the year.

Awarded to the best annual report amongst Public Financial and Non-Financial Corporations.

Public Financial and Non-Financial Corporations include those as defined in the Western Australia State Budget Papers.

Awarded to the best annual report in the General Government Sector.

This award is presented at the discretion of the panel for an outstanding report that, in some respect, establishes a benchmark to which others should aspire.

Specialist Awards

Awarded to a report which fulfils its duty of being a prime vehicle for accountability of the organisation and is accurate, credible, forthright and sincere. Read more here.

Sponsored by CPA Australia, recipients of this award will have key performance indicators which are relevant and appropriate and enable users to assess an agency’s performance. Agency level desired outcomes and services clearly defined and are pitched at the right level to assist stakeholders understand what the agency is trying to achieve and how it plans to do so.

Sponsored by the Public Sector Commission, this award recognises an agency whose corporate governance system is comprehensively presented.

Sponsored by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, this award recognises an individual who has had significant achievements during the past financial year across eight criteria: Strategy; Financial Accounting & Reporting; Business Performance Reporting & Analysis; Technical; Stakeholder Communication; Risk Management; Leadership; Innovation.

Awarded to a report which shows evidence of responsiveness to client concerns about service problems. Read more here.

General Awards

Gold Award recipients excel in accountability and annual reporting. Annual reports that receive this award have exceeded the requirements and are considered model reports.

Silver Award recipients exceed the criteria and are considered to demonstrate particularly good reporting and accountability.

Bronze Award recipients demonstrate high levels of accountability and good reporting to Parliament, the community and key stakeholder groups.

The W.S. Lonnie General Awards are judged against the following categories across State government and each receive a bronze, silver and gold winner:

  • Category 1: State Agencies with less than 100 FTEs
  • Category 2: State Agencies with between 101 and 1,000 FTEs
  • Category 3: State Agencies with more than 1,000 FTEs
  • Category 4: Public Financial and Non-Financial Corporations*

* Public Financial and Non-Financial Corporations include those as defined in the Western Australia State Budget Papers.

W.S. Lonnie Specialist Awards Sponsors

Premier Corporate Partners

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