The WS Lonnie Awards were established in 1984 following a bequest from Mrs H.L. Lonnie in memory of her late husband Mr W.S. Lonnie MC CBE MVO. Mr Lonnie had a long and distinguished career in the State public service, culminating in his final post as Under Secretary, Premier’s Department during the premiership of Sir Charles Court.
About the W.S. Lonnie Awards
The primary vehicle for accountability in the WA government sector has been and always will be the way entities report their performance. The Awards recognise the importance of being accountable and transparent in a succinct and independent way. It encourages and celebrates excellence in annual reporting, which is central to good corporate governance.
The Institute organises and host these important annual awards which recognise and highlight excellence and improved accountability standards in annual reporting across the WA government sector. This is a mammoth task as all WA government sector entities are eligible and considered as part of the judging process.