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Theo has been an evaluator in the Western Australian public service and private practice for 20 years.  He led an evaluation that won the IPAA Australian Evaluation Society Best Practice in Public Service Evaluation award in 2021.  In  September 2024 he was recognised as a Fellow of the Australian Evaluation Society for his long term contribution to evaluation in Australia and internationally. His international experience includes extensive work across diverse sectors in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and the Middle East. Theo has delivered at least  60 training courses related to evaluation.

Since 2006 Theo has delivered numerous Introduction to Evaluation and Program Logic/Theory of Change courses for government departments and  Not for Profits in  Australia and internationally. A recent example is his  facilitation of two Theory of Change workshops in Jordan for a national social protection program.

Theo is interested in novel and participatory Monitoring and Evaluation approaches and is a passionate trainer and advocate of the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique nationally and internationally.  Since 2011 he has delivered MSC training via IPAA and the WA Council of Social Services. Theo has extensive experience in MSC, having used it in over 20 assignments and is one of the most experienced Western Australians in the use of the MSC technique. He was a member of an International Resource Panel project piloting complexity-aware monitoring and evaluation approaches, including MSC, for USAID.

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