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Joining as an IPAA WA Individual Member demonstrates a commitment to your career in the public sector, as well as your commitment to your professional association.

Find out more about the differences between categories in the table below, and join as an Individual Member today!

Personal Membership

Young Professional Membership

Available to those aged 35 and under

Associate Membership

Demonstrate your professionalism by using the post nominal MIPAA after your name

Be eligible to nominate to sit on the the IPAA WA Council

Be eligible to vote on IPAA WA Council Members

Nominate for and
vote for Council

Vote for Council Members

Receive a priority invitation to member only events

Receive a priority invitation to free member only events

Access to the one-on-one mentoring program (run once per year, limited places available)

Nominate to join the Young Professional Committee (YPC) (for members aged 35 and under)

Up to 50% off all Institute events and conferences

Up to 25% off all Institute training courses

Receive a $25 referral credit when you refer someone and they join as a member.

Be eligible to nominate for IPAA WA’s Achievement Awards

Professional Development (PD) voucher/credit which you can use towards any IPAA WA training, seminar or conference.

$75 Voucher

$75 Voucher

$25 Voucher

Free Cancellation for Events (with 24 hours notice)

Receive access to the Australian Journal of Public Administration (AJPA). AJPA is a peer review journal, exploring issues of public administration, public management and public policy in Australia. AJPA is published quarterly and available to members online.

Receive a one-off 3 month subscription to Business News. Note: this benefit is valid where there are no other existing paid subscribers within the same organisation.

* Young Professional Complimentary members are excluded from these benefits.

Premier Corporate Partners

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