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Winners of the 2013 WA Institute of Public Administration Achievement Awards were announced at a special Awards luncheon held on Friday 28th June 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Perth.

The Achievement Awards offer seven categories for entry with a total of fourteen awards. Nine open to individuals and five best practice awards for organisations.

The achievement and hard work of those working in the public service was celebrated in style at the launch of this prestigious event. Opened with a special performance by the Variety Youth Choir.


Patrons Award

The highest accolade in public administration in WA awarded to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the State.

WINNER: Colin Murphy, Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General

Mr Murphys’ career expands over 44 years in the public service and has been widely recognised as being instrumental in the establishment of new Departments and part of senior leadership teams. Throughout his career Colin has always aimed for better practice and continuous improvement – and his current role as Auditor General is no different.

Since 2007, Colin has also been the Chairperson of the State Records Commission. He is an active member of the state’s Integrity Coordinating Group and plays an important role as a member of the Australasian Council of Auditors General. Through these strategic memberships, associations and professional commitments Colin is constantly sharing information within and across jurisdictions and identifying best practice opportunities that could benefit auditing in Western Australia for the benefit of the Western Australian public sector, Parliament and ultimately the community.

Public Sector Commission Young Leader of the Year

The winner of this award will have emerging leadership qualities; a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to learning. Making a difference by demonstrating best practice in the public service.

WINNER: Kaylene Gulich, Acting Executive Director Infrastructure and Finance Division, Department of Treasury

Kaylene has achieved a great deal in her professional career, rising from a Level 3 Graduate in 2002 to a successful Class 1 Director in 2012. Along the way Kaylene has contributed to a number of different areas within Government, including working together with the Department of Health, Planning and Infrastructure portfolios (public transport and port infrastructure projects), Department of Education, WA Police, Corrective Services and many others. This work has involved analysis, evaluation and planning of government services to ensure value for money outcomes in key service delivery areas.

On top of a successful professional career, Kaylene has an outstanding record of academic excellence, with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Bachelor of Social Science (Politics) with Honours, Masters in Leadership and Management, Masters in Business Administration and full CPA status.

Special Commendation to Jabin Herd

Leader of the Year (3 Awards)

The winner of this award will be working in a senior position and have clearly demonstrated leadership qualities. He/She will be respected and demonstrate excellence in leading a team to meet designated objectives and outcomes in the interests of public service.

Murdoch University Leader of the Year Working in State or Federal Government

WINNER: Reece Waldock, Director General, Department of Transport

Reece has long been recognised as a highly-respected public sector leader, with more than 15 years’ experience within various government transport agencies. As the head of the Transport portfolio since May 2010, he holds a unique leadership position, being the Director General of the Department of Transport, the Commissioner of Main Roads WA and the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Transport Authority.  Reece has excelled in this position over the last three years, taking a holistic approach to the State’s transport needs as it undergoes a period of rapid population and economic growth. He has developed and implemented a number of major integrated transport plans of State significance, some of which are the first of their kind in Western Australia.

Special Commendation to Joanne Kennedy

Hyatt Regency Perth Award Leader of the Year Working in the Not for Profit Sector

WINNER: Clive Elliott, Agency Coordinator – One Life Suicide Prevention Strategy (WA), Centrecare Inc.

The WA Government has committed $13 million over 4 years to implement the WA Suicide Prevention Strategy 2009-2013. Under Centrecare’s One Life brand, Clive Elliot has been responsible for the implementation of this Strategy to encourage organisation-wide suicide prevention strategies across government, non-government and corporate agencies.

As a result of Clive’s leadership, encouragement and total support, today there are over 180 agencies actively creating better suicide prevention awareness within the work places, in a strategic, viable and sustainable way.

Corruption and Crime Commission Award Leader of the Year Working in Local Government

WINNER: Ian Cowie, Chief Executive Officer, City of Gosnells

Ian has been the CEO at the City of Gosnells since 2009, the fifth largest local government in Western Australia, a budget of over $100 million and a staff of approximately 600. Prior to joining local government, Ian worked as a State Public Servant for 18 years in a variety of positions in regional development, housing and local government.

Ian has continually innovated and sought to challenge the status quo to enhance the City’s efficiency and effectiveness. He has assisted the local government sector as a whole to progress through his role as a Board Member of Local Government Managers Australia WA and as Chair of its Legislation Committee.

Best Practitioner in the Public Service (4 Awards)

The winner of each of these awards will be working at manager level or higher. He/She will be a respected practitioner and demonstrate excellence in high achievement in their field of expertise.

Hays Recruitment Human Resource Management Practitioner of the Year

WINNER: Diane Misic and Nicki Eastman, VenuesWest

Diane Misic and Nicki Eastman are employed in a job-sharing capacity as the VenuesWest HR Manager.  Judges commented that “in addition to providing a high level of HR management to VenuesWest, Diane and Nicki model a highly successful job share arrangement that should inspire other organisations interested in supporting flexible work opportunities for staff.”

Information Technology Practitioner of the Year

WINNER: Morgan Strong, Western Australian Museum

Morgan Strong is the Manager of Online Services for the Western Australian Museum and under his leadership the Museum has won six web awards. Morgan demonstrates strong strategic planning and project management skills and his innovative thinking enables him to identify the needs of clients and produce outstanding solutions for business units.

Policy Practitioner of the Year

No winner awarded

Department of Finance Award Finance Practitioner of the Year

WINNER: Murray Smith, Landgate

Murray Smith was a finalist for the 28th Annual WS Lonnie Awards and has been Landgate’s Senior Financial Officer since 1994. Over this time Murray has fostered a strong commercially-focused and competent financial management team that has successfully overseen the transition from a department to a tax-paying commercialised statutory authority. Judges commented that “Murray has worked successfully in managing significant change in a highly volatile environment and has ensured Landgate’s sound financial position”.

Business News Award Innovation in the Not For Profit Sector

The winning organisation of this award will demonstrate the implementation and use of innovative practices and approaches to meet community and public service objectives.

WINNER: Richmond Fellowship of WA

Richmond Fellowship of WA is a community mental health organisation that has provided recovery supported accommodation in Western Australia since 1975. It is a leading provider of mental health services in Western Australia and is a key contributor to the mental health reform process in Western Australia. As an organisation it has helped stimulate debate around mental health policy and practice which has helped create an atmosphere for genuine change in WA.

The introduction of the Hearing Voices Networks in 2005 and its established networks across the country has been recognised as an outstanding example of an innovative program by the judges who said Richmond Fellowship “should be justly recognised for this Award as taking risks and working effectively through collaboration and partnerships.”

Best Practice in Collaboration (2 Awards)

The award will go to a project or an ongoing practice that demonstrates high level collaboration and coordination across organisations to meet a priority objective in the delivery of service to the community.

Department of Fisheries Award Best Practice in Collaboration Between Government and Non Government Organisations

WINNER: LandCorp and Civil Contractors Federation WA: Guidelines for Aboriginal Participation in WA Civil Construction and Landscaping Industries

The Guidelines for Aboriginal Participation in WA Civil Construction and Landscaping Industries are a joint initiative developed in 2010. It has been built on the knowledge and experiences of Aboriginal employment and economic development from both the private and public sector to create an industry- developed owned and driven approach to the issue. The Guidelines are reflective of a genuine long term partnership and commitment to reconciliation by industry, through their representative body, CCF WA, and LandCorp. The success of this work reveals an overall lift in Aboriginal employment in civil construction from 3.8% in 2011 to 4.8% in 2012, despite a market downturn and 43% of WA civil construction companies now have an Indigenous employment strategy in place.

The judges commented that “it is a great initiative which is delivering benefits from one of WA’s strongest industries of Aboriginal people.”

Best Practice in Collaboration Across Government Agencies in the Same Jurisdiction

WINNER: Department of Transport: Initiatives to Overcome Barriers to Obtaining a Driver’s Licence for People in Remote Areas

The Department of Transport has identified a number of barriers that inhibit people in remote areas from obtaining and maintaining a valid driver’s licence, including access to licensing and payment services, literacy issues, access to appropriate vehicles for training and testing, as well as the financial costs associated with the driver’s licence process. The Department engages with State Government agencies and private sector to provide a strategic, whole of Government approach to assist the people in remote communities in the provision of specified driver licensing services including; driver education and training in prisons, community open days, licensing tours and services in remote communities.

Judges commented that “the Department of Transport has engaged widely and used flexible approaches to improving driver’s licence and road safety outcomes for the Aboriginal communities.”

Organisation Demonstrating Best Practice (2 Awards)

Excellence in demonstration and delivery of programs, policies and approaches in public values in corporate citizenry, social responsibility and welfare of staff are the two foci of these two awards. Organisations must demonstrate ongoing delivery and commitment in these areas.

Best Practice in Corporate Social Values

No winner awarded

Department of Health Award Best Practice in Health and Wellbeing

WINNER: Department of Mines and Petroleum

The Department of Mines and Petroleum introduced a health and wellbeing program Working on Wellness (WoW) in 2009 after research highlighted employee interest. It has a strong focus on lifestyle disease detection and prevention and improves employees’ wellbeing, while positively impacting absenteeism and incident rates. It is also linked to DMP’s Strategic Plan, and endorsed by the Corporate Executive.  The program is integrated with the Occupational Safety and Health Management System and is considered a best practice model by HBF and UWA.

The judges commented that this nomination best demonstrated the performance and outcomes of a wellness and health program and was successfully integrated into the organisation with a regional focus that linked well to an attraction and retention program.

Special Commendation to Edith Cowan University – Live Life Longer Program.

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