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The Institute of Public Administration Australia WA’s (IPAA WA) 38th Annual W.S. Lonnie Awards for excellence and accountability in annual reporting was held at the Hyatt Regency Perth on Friday 31st March 2023. IPAA WA President, Mike Rowe, and IPAA WA Treasurer, Kaylene Gulich PSM, co-hosted the ceremony.

The Awards attracted CEOs, Directors General and Commissioners from across State government agencies and statutory bodies, all hoping to take out the prestigious W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy – awarded to the best annual report for the year.

The primary vehicle for accountability in the Public Sector has been and always will be the way agencies report their performance. The W.S. Lonnie Awards recognise the importance of Annual Reports being accountable and transparent in a succinct and independent way. All State agencies are eligible and are automatically considered as part of the judging process.

W.S. Lonnie Memorial Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report for the year.

WINNER: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments:
A very sophisticated, professionally prepared, well presented report with a future focus. The flow and structure of the report is of a very high level. The report covered performance and operations very well and had a very good coverage of corporate governance. The report draws on the Global Reporting Initiative, uses icons well and has excellent links in its presentation.

Margaret McAleer Special Commendation

The award is presented at the discretion of the panel for an outstanding report that, in some respect, establishes a benchmark to which others should aspire.

WINNER: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

Judges’ Comments:
An interesting report, well presented in the electronic format. The discussion of corporate goals with the links to government, and each goal had a small section on ‘looking ahead’ which was great. Acknowledgment of Climate Change – one of only a few to do this.

Allan Skinner Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the General Government Sector.

WINNER: East Metropolitan Health Service

Judges’ Comments:
The overview, pictures, graphics and tables are excellent with information easily accessible. The feel of the report is focused on ‘people’. Presentation was great, ability to drill down and move around sections was easy. Performance well-articulated covered off on all facets of the organisation well provided good case studies and examples, and governance was done well.

The Margaret Nadebaum Trophy

Awarded to the best annual report in the Government Enterprise Sector.

WINNER: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments:
Another excellent report from Fremantle Ports. Corporate governance, risk and audit and complaints management well covered. The narrative is very coherent with a significant focus on the future of the port and global trade. The impact of digital data on performance is very good and community engagement is exemplary.

Category 1 – Agencies with < 100 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Peel Development Commission

Judges’ Comments: 
A visually appealing report, and a very enjoyable report to read. Has a definite local flavour that uses local achievements to demonstrate how KPIs and KEIs have been met. Clearly links to government goals and outcomes for 6 themes, and the links to the strategic plan are excellent.

Silver Award Winner: Pilbara Development Commission

Judges’ Comments: 
Well-structured and user friendly layout. The report is well presented, great graphics and photos. It has good accessibility and readability, and is very engaging. This report has a team approach, perhaps due to the regional setting and reliance on people.

Bronze Award Winner: Health and Disability Services Complaints Office

Judges’ Comments: 
This is an effective report with a good description of service. Provides a focussed and clear outline of performance priorities and outcomes, complemented by case studies. The case studies are effective for showing the calibre of the office. Excellent graphics on complaints process.

Category 2 – Agencies with 101 – 1,000 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Office of the Auditor General

Judges’ Comments: 
Another excellent report from the OAG. Presentation is great, everything looks very impressive, the layout, graphics and pictures. Comprehensive coverage of performance in four streams. Particularly liked the summary page at start of each section including ‘what we can do better’.

Silver Award Winner: Western Australian Museum

Judges’ Comments: 
A Visually stunning report, a very good read with great transparency. The performance against strategic plan was very good. The map showing the location of work is very good and an innovation is the use of a QR code to the collection. The Acknowledgement of country links the work of the Museum to indigenous culture.

Bronze Award Winner: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation

Judges’ Comments: 
Great presentation throughout, good use of hyperlinks, pictures, infographics and drawings. The strategic goals are clear, and performance is well-explained, detailed and comprehensive – clearly delineating objectives made it easy to understand. Acknowledgement of country links owners to work of agency and shared values.

Category 3 – Agencies with > 1,000 FTEs

Gold Award Winner: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments:
A very sophisticated, professionally prepared, well presented report with a future focus. The flow and structure of the report is of a very high level. The report covered performance and operations very well and had a very good coverage of corporate governance. The report draws on the Global Reporting Initiative, uses icons well and has excellent links in its presentation.

Silver Award Winner: Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Judges’ Comments: 
This is an outstanding report for its innovative presentation. It is easy to read and follow with a view looking forward. It is well-structured report with clear indication of performance levels/trends achieved. Stakeholder information and feedback are excellent and the use of a podcast is innovative.

Bronze Award Winner: East Metropolitan Health Service

Judges’ Comments: 
The overview, pictures, graphics and tables are excellent with information easily accessible. The feel of the report is focused on ‘people’. Presentation was great, ability to drill down and move around sections was easy. Performance well-articulated covered off on all facets of the organisation well provided good case studies and examples, and governance was done well.

Category 4 Government Trading Enterprises

Gold Award Winner: Fremantle Ports

Judges’ Comments: 
Another excellent report from Fremantle Ports. Corporate governance, risk and audit and complaints management well covered. The narrative is very coherent with a significant focus on the future of the port and global trade. The impact of digital data on performance is very good and community engagement is exemplary.

Silver Award Winner: Western Australian Treasury Corporation

Judges’ Comments: 
This report is concise and well-structured, an excellent report with a vision for the future. Perspectives on the future of leading work is impressive, and risk-reduction actions important. The corporate governance is of high quality, and the case studies add ‘community’ feel to the work of the agency.

Bronze (Joint Winner): Pilbara Ports Authority

Judges’ Comments:
An informative report that celebrates the community in the Pilbara. It provides an excellent snapshot of the year’s work, with case studies well-integrated and strong community engagement evident. Provides a good acquittal of performance against key business results, performance against government goals and performance against objectives.

Bronze (Joint Winner): Southern Ports Authority

Judges’ Comments:
A very solid report with good pictures and graphics. It provides an excellent summary of major achievements and a map of the directions of exports. The report shows community engagement and support for community groups. Good presentation of performance analytics by function and geography.

There are six Specialist Awards presented on the day.

Office of the Auditor General Award for Transparency and Accountability

WINNER: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments: 
A very sophisticated, professionally prepared, well presented report with a future focus. The flow and structure of the report is of a very high level. The report covered performance and operations very well and had a very good coverage of corporate governance. The report draws on the Global Reporting Initiative, uses icons well and has excellent links in its presentation.

State Records Commission Award for Excellence in Records and Information Management

WINNER: Main Roads Western Australia

Judges’ Comments:
Main Roads presented a comprehensive overview of its information management activities. The Main Roads State Archiving Strategy is delivering tangible results across its offices, such as recent improvements to retention and disposal activities. Recognition of information assets as a valuable resource in demonstrating accountability and decision-making is also highly commended.

Public Sector Commission Award for Good Governance

WINNER: Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

Judges’ Comments:
The department’s annual report demonstrates excellence in reporting of governance processes and achievement of outcomes. The reader is engaged through the balanced and structured use of easy to understand written content, images, infographics and call outs enabling complex information to be presented clearly and succinctly.

Special Commendation:

WorkCover WA

CPA Australia Award for Performance Reporting

WINNER: Western Australia Police Force

Judges’ Comments:
Overall very good performance reporting by WA Police. Framework clearly outlined with linkages to outcome/   service /KPIs well summarised. Explanatory notes for WA Police’s KPI’s were the easiest to follow.

Award for Complaints Handling

WINNER: East Metropolitan Health Service

Judges’ Comments:
The overview, pictures, graphics and tables are excellent with information easily accessible. The feel of the report is focused on ‘people’. Presentation was great, ability to drill down and move around sections was easy. Performance well-articulated covered off on all facets of the organisation well provided good case studies and examples, and governance was done well.

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Award for Chief Financial Officer of the Year

WINNER: Santa Cardenia Director of Finance and Business Services and Chief Finance Officer, Western Australia Police Force

Judges’ Comments:
The judging panel were particularly impressed by Santa’s achievement in the areas of strategy and leadership; namely her adoption of a centralised model of procurement, designed to improve efficiencies and to achieve economy of scale outcomes as well as putting in place new management policies to support the frontline policing operation. The panel wanted to make special mention of her demonstrated ability to be agile and responsive under huge pressure and uncertainty during the last couple of years of unprecedented change due to the COVID pandemic and the resulting State of Emergency.

Special Commendation:

Sandra Pigdon – MidWest Ports

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