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Presenting with Confidence

Presenting with Confidence

Learn how to organise, structure and deliver a presentation that achieves its purpose. Improve your ability to influence an audience and guide it towards understanding and accepting the presentation’s purpose

This workshop held my attention continuously, thinking outside the box, a very different view on how to influence and present meaningfully.


Any presentation is an opportunity for a speaker to engage, inform and influence an audience. What makes a presentation unique is that it delivers to a captive audience: an audience prepared to listen without interruption as the speaker makes their delivery. So how can you maximise these opportunities to influence an audience?

This lively, open and interactive workshop will demonstrate how to organise and deliver a presentation that achieves its purpose, focusing on the skills you need to present with confidence. The ability to communicate well to an audience, throughout a presentation, is one of the most valued skills within the public service and is often a significant factor in considering people for promotion.

Course Content

  • Reflect on your own experiences of presenting.
  • Explore the elements required for a good presentation.
  • Plan and prepare a well-structured and informative presentation.
  • Develop strategies to overcome the natural fear that all presenters initially experience.
  • Examine different ways to interact with your audience and respond to questions.
  • Practice the delivery of a short, well organised and engaging presentation.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course attendees should be able to:

  • plan, prepare and deliver a well-structured and informative presentation
  • know how to influence an audience and guide it towards understanding and accepting the presentation’s purpose
  • overcome the natural fear that all presenters initially experience
  • become adept at finding the right words and phrases to engage and inform listeners
  • achieve a higher level of self-confidence through careful preparation and practice.

Benefits to your organisation

  • Confident public speakers reflect well on the credibility of the department.
  • Your staff will know how to logically present their ideas.
  • Your staff will be able to deliver presentations that engage, inform and influence audiences.
  • Your staff will have more self-confidence and be better skilled in the techniques of delivering to a variety of audiences.

Benefits to you

  • You will be able to mount powerful presentations which engage, inform and influence.
  • Your self-confidence when speaking in public will be enhanced.
  • You will understand the techniques of engaging, informing and influencing through the power of the spoken word.
  • You will know the logical sequences of planning and delivering a powerful presentation under any circumstances.

Presenting with Confidence

Date/s, Time & Venue

6 Jun 2025
9:00am - 4:00pm
Face-to-face (Perth CBD)

Career Stage

New Recruits/Graduates , Team Members


Communication Skills

Class Size

Maximum 20



Prices exclude GST and are subject to change

Individual Member
Corporate Member
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