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Integrity and accountability are the bedrock of the public service and a functioning state. Fraud and corruption are a constant risk. This year’s edition of the conference featured a keynote address which discussed the challenge of developing and maintaining organisational practices and culture at a whole of sector level and program of speakers and panellists who addressed these vital issues at organisational and team level.

State and local government and community service entities alike face similar risks. These risks may be reasonably defended against with up-to-date integrity and accountability systems.

This biennial conference provided with the latest in organisational culture, frameworks and processes to put them on the front foot in strengthening integrity and accountability in the public service. Delegates heard insights from, and had the opportunity to ask questions of, leading practitioners behind proven integrity and accountability practices in the early decades of the 21st century.


Keynote Speaker



Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake AO
Review into the culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector (2022)

Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake | Chair, Review into the culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector (2022)

Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake | Chair, Review into the culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector (2022)

In February 2022 Emeritus Professor Peter Coaldrake AO was appointed by the Premier of Queensland, the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk to undertake a Review of culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector. The Final Report of that Review, ‘Let the Sunshine In’ was published on 28 June 2022.

In 2018 he completed a Review for the Queensland government dealing with the present and future Queensland public sector workforce.

His deep understanding of the public service and systems of accountability stems from his time as Chair of the Queensland Public Sector Management Commission between 1990 and 1994 and his research leading to the publication in 1989 of the book ‘Working the System: Government in Queensland’.

Professor Coaldrake, is currently the Chief Commissioner of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Australia’s higher education regulatory agency. He took up that role on 1 March 2021.

Professor Coaldrake completed his almost fifteen-year term as Vice-Chancellor and CEO of Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in December 2017, and is a former Chair of both the peak body for Australia’s Universities, Universities Australia (UA) and the governing board of the OECD’s then higher education group (IMHE).

Stuart Smith
Director General
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Stuart Smith | Director General, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Stuart Smith | Director General, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Stuart commenced as Director General of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) in July 2023, after serving from 2014 as CEO for Australia’s offshore energy regulator, with a focus on offshore safety, structural integrity and environmental management.

His appointment to DBCA sees him return to the WA Public Service where Stuart had previously served as Director General for the Department of Fisheries from 2008, and Deputy Director General for the Department of Industry and Resources from 2003.

Stuart holds qualifications in economics to post graduate level from the University of Western Australia and the Australian National University. He is a Churchill fellow in the field of regulation for offshore renewables and serves on multiple Boards.

Damian Shepherd
Executive Director
State Records Office of Western Australia

Damian Shepherd | Executive Director, State Records Office of Western Australia

Damian Shepherd | Executive Director, State Records Office of Western Australia

Damian is currently the Director State Records and State Archivist. He joined the State Records Office in 2019 after several years with Landgate in various leadership roles including data sharing and customer service.

Damian started his career as a botanist – a rare opportunity to explore and contribute to understanding WA’s unique natural treasures. A passion for helping others discover what is unique about WA and its history continues to be a focus for Damian through digital access to data and information.

Damian’s team at the State Records Office share a mission to provide ‘A secure and discoverable record of government that is valued by our community and used to create a legacy for current and future generations of Western Australians’.

Louise Giolitto
Western Australian Council of Social Service

Luoise Giolitto | CEO, Western Australian Council of Social Service

Luoise Giolitto | CEO, Western Australian Council of Social Service

The Western Australian Council of Social Service Inc (WACOSS) is the peak council of community service organisations in Western Australia.  WACOSS is part of a national network comprising ACOSS and the State and Territory Councils of Social Service, which represents the interests of low income and socially disadvantaged people across Australia, and assists and supports the community sector with the delivery of community services. Working at WACOSS is a unique experience that provides individuals with the opportunity to have an understanding across a massive range of sub-sectors

Louise Giolitto has been part of the Community Services Sector for over 26 years. Louise has a great deal of experience, has lived in the Kimberley and worked in the Pilbara which has given her great insight into the needs of regional WA. Her prior positions have provided Louise with years of valuable experience within a board range of services provided by the sector. Experience includes management of homelessness programs, housing, youth services, Aboriginal support programs, employment, education, training, mentoring, drug education, seniors and emergency relief.

Louise has a commitment and belief the Community Services sector needs collective commitment and leadership to improve the quality of life to community members disadvantaged by the inequities in our society. WACOSS provides the ideal platform for the Community Services sector to support organisations deliver essential services, work collaboratively to lobby government, raise community awareness, network and share best practice to address the inequities and provide a strong voice for those community members in need.

Underlying Louise’s commitment is a strong belief in the ethos and philosophy of the community-based not-for-profit organisations in partnership with State and Federal Governments can build vibrant future for all West Australians.

Emma Johnson
Corruption and Crime Commission

Emma Johnson | CEO, Corruption and Crime Commission

Emma Johnson | CEO, Corruption and Crime Commission

Emma was appointed as Chief Executive of the Corruption and Crime Commission in May 2023.

Emma has held various leadership positions in State and Commonwealth Government agencies, related to national security, integrity and law enforcement. Prior to her current role, Emma was an Assistant Commissioner at Australian Border Force. Emma was previously Deputy CEO at Sport Integrity Australia and was Co-Chair and expert advisor to agencies and initiatives such as the World Anti-Doping Agency and Play by the Rules.

Anthony Vuleta
President, Local Government Professionals WA
CEO, Town of Victoria Park

Anthony Vuleta | President at Local Government Professionals WA & CEO AT TOWN OF VICTORIA PARK

Anthony Vuleta | President at Local Government Professionals WA & CEO AT TOWN OF VICTORIA PARK

Anthony began his career in a private civil design consultancy before moving into local government in 1988.

He has worked at the Cities of Swan (Shire), Belmont and Subiaco prior to starting with the Town of Victoria Park as Manager of Technical Services in 2001. In 2008 Anthony became Director of Renew Life where he oversaw the Town’s infrastructure program.

He then acted as CEO for a period of 15 months before becoming the permanent CEO in May 2015.

Professor David Gilchrist
Director, Centre for Public Value
University of Western Australia

David Gilchrist | Professor at The University of Western Australia

David Gilchrist | Professor at The University of Western Australia

David Gilchrist is a chartered accountant and holds a PhD in economic history from the University of Notre Dame Australia. He is currently professor of accounting and director of the Centre for Public Value at the University of Western Australia. He was Foundation Director of the Curtin Not-for-profit Initiative for five years and is currently a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Accounting, Airlangga University, Indonesia and Visiting Professor in the School of Accountancy at Queensland University of Technology.

David has undertaken significant long-term research related to not-for-profit and public sector accounting, economics and financial reporting. He was a member of the ACNC advisory board and has held many chair roles in Australian charities. David is currently director of the Australian Nonprofit Accounting Standards Research Program and a member of the Australian Accounting Standards Board Academic Advisory Panel amongst other relevant roles.  He has written over 200 industry and policy reports and written, edited or contributed to twelve books.

David is currently expert advisory to the Commonwealth government’s nonprofit blueprint project setting the framework for Australia’s charities over the next ten years. He is a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand Charities and NFP Advisory Committee and was awarded a Meritorious Service Award by that institution in 2023. David was appointed a Fellow of the Western Australian Parliament in 2021.

Caroline Spencer
Auditor General
Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia

Caroline Spencer | Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia

Caroline Spencer | Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia

Ms Spencer was appointed Auditor General for Western Australia in May 2018.

Prior to her appointment, Caroline led a professional services firm specialising in public sector audit and governance in Canberra.

Caroline has a passion for promoting accountability and continuous improvement across the public sector and the accounting profession – to enhance trust and performance for the benefit of the communities we serve. With a keen personal interest in seeing our regions and community groups thrive, she is a strong advocate for expansive thinking around participation and valuing good governance and contribution at all levels.

She is a fellow of CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and the Governance Institute of Australia, and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Caroline is also a member of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, currently with a focus on Australia’s first sustainability reporting standards.

Sandra Labuschagne
Deputy Auditor General

Sandra Labuschagne | Deputy Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia

Sandra Labuschagne | Deputy Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia

Sandra joined the OAG in 2012 and was appointed Deputy Auditor General in December 2018. She was designated as Chief Operating Officer in 2020. Sandra has extensive public and private sector auditing experience in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.

In her role as Deputy Auditor General, Sandra has been instrumental in ensuring the OAG’s effectiveness and efficiency. Sandra’s passion for auditing and her dedication to upholding transparency and accountability have been evident throughout her career.

Sandra’s journey is marked by a commitment to excellence and a deep understanding of audit processes. Her ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice has been pivotal in enhancing the OAG’s operations.

Darian Ferguson
Executive Director
Integrity and Risk, Public Sector Commission

Darian Ferguson | Executive Director, Integrity and Risk, Public Sector Commission

Darian Ferguson | Executive Director, Integrity and Risk, Public Sector Commission

Darian Ferguson took up this position in October 2022 and is responsible for leading sector wide strategy and advice concerning integrity and performance.

Before joining the Commission, he held the position of Deputy Inspector at the Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services. Mr Ferguson has also held senior positions in human resources at the Department of Corrective Services and WA Police.

Catherine Fletcher
Chair, State Records Commission;
Information Commissioner, Office of the Information Commissioner

Catherine Fletcher | Chair, State Records Commission; Information Commissioner, Office of the Information Commissioner

Catherine Fletcher | Chair, State Records Commission; Information Commissioner, Office of the Information Commissioner

Catherine holds law degrees and a graduate diploma in business management from the University of Western Australia. She was admitted to practice in Western Australia in 1991.

For most of her career, Catherine has worked as a legal officer in the public sector at both State and Commonwealth agencies including the (formerly named) Crown Solicitors Office, at the Commonwealth and State Offices of the Director of Public Prosecutions and at Legal Aid WA.

Catherine, for several years, taught law and legal practice courses at the Articles Training Program (run by the Legal Practice Board) and at the Universities of Notre Dame and Western Australia.

In addition to her legal work Catherine has held numerous voluntary roles on boards and committees including the Law Society of WA, Notre Dame University, Women Lawyers WA and several sporting organisations and governing bodies.

Catherine has always been active in several sports including Masters division water polo, representing WA on several occasions at national amateur surfing titles throughout Australia and has completed, in a team of four, the Rottnest Channel swim on four occasions.

Catherine has always had a keen interest in archival materials and historical research.

Mary Miller
Manager Integrity and Ethics
South Metropolitan Health Service

Mary Miller | Manager Integrity and Ethics, South Metropolitan Health Service

Mary Miller | Manager Integrity and Ethics, South Metropolitan Health Service

Mary is a health leader with  broad experience across the health sector in Western Australia, Victoria and the United Kingdom. Mary previoulsy  held  Executive roles at Child and Adolescent and South Metropolitan Health Service with a focus on clinical governance and patient safety and continuous improvement.

Mary commenced her career as a paediatric nurse and moved into management roles in metropolitan &  rural health services, including workforce development,  health policy and professional regulation. This background equips her with an understanding of the complex systems in which we work, and a drive to ensure  that health staff bring the highest integrity and ethical standards to their work.

Mary holds Masters qualifications in Health Service Management,  and Fellowships with the Australasian College of Health Services Management, and the Australasian Association for Quality in Health Care.

Mary is passionate about professional mentoring and leadership development, and has mentored many staff across different disciplines to become better leaders.

Margaret Stronge Smith
Director, Risk and Governance
Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Margaret Stronge Smith | Director Risk & Governance, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Margaret Stronge Smith | Director Risk & Governance, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Margaret joined JTSI in the role of Director Risk & Governance in March 2021.  Since 2011, Margaret has worked in risk, governance, planning and performance roles with the WA Regional Development Portfolio at DPIRD, DRD and RDL.

Margaret is a skilled Risk, Governance and Integrity professional with demonstrated experience in government and not for profit sectors in Australia and Ireland.  She has successfully delivered organisational outcomes in risk management, internal audit, corporate governance, strategic planning, stakeholder engagement and capacity building.  Margaret seeks out roles which drive organisational improvement and active engagement with colleagues and stakeholders to ensure the Governance and Integrity Frameworks are well understood to guide and influence high levels of professional behaviour. She believes a strong work ethic and a collaborative approach contribute significantly to achieving our corporate and professional goals.

Margaret holds her Masters in Economics, from the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, a Graduate Certificate in Migration Law and Practice through Murdoch University and the Cert in Governance and Risk Management from the Governance Institute of Australia (GIA).


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