Embrace First Nations people and knowledge systems to create policy and services, fully aware of where and who they serve, from conception to delivery.
Moving together, whadjella and Aboriginal Western Australians, toward the 2029 centenary of colonisation and beyond can deliver immense benefits. Building on the 2023 seminar, this year Danjoo Koorliny explored the nuances of delivering outstanding results from projects delivered with Aboriginal controlled businesses and community organisations (ACOs, ACCOs).
We were privileged to welcome Carol Innes AM and Dr Richard Walley OAM to again lead the day’s conversation. They provided delegates with a guide to essential philosophical and practical considerations when working with Aboriginal organisations.
Development WA and Main Roads each shared lessons from their many projects successfully delivered with Aboriginal service providers.
This seminar provided delegates with critical insights, based on leading edge practice, as to how their organisation can embrace First Nations people and knowledge to create policy and services that are more effective for being fully aware of where and who they serve, from conception to delivery.
Topics discussed included:
- Achieving and sustaining a foundation for success.
- Methods for successfully delivering projects with ACOs and ACCOs.
- Translating words into action.