Keynote Speaker, Lanie Chopping, Director General at the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries set the tone for the 2024 IPAA WA Women in Public Service Leadership conference, and what followed was a day filled with insights and dialogue between panellists, presenters and the audience.
For over ten years this conference has provided fresh inspiration and timely insights for thousands of dynamic and motivated women who, seeking senior leadership or not, are committed to driving the changes necessary for a gender balanced leadership future. Male allies have been few but those who have attended are ahead of the game in ensuring their effectiveness and relevance as the working world evolves.
This conference was particularly suited to delegates from local, state and commonwealth public service and the community sector who are:
- Existing leaders with aspiration to executive leadership,
- New professionals seeking unparalleled insights into the leadership journey,
- Intent on carving out and maintaining a rewarding career of their own making,
- Allies wanting to increase their understanding and capacity to support change, and
- Executive leaders wishing to mentor a group from their team or organisation.
Developed by your peers as program advisers, this year’s conference richly rewarded those to those who attended with an open-mind, a strong sense of curiosity, and who possessed the ability to draw meaning for themselves from both similar and dissimilar life stories.