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Western Australia’s Public Sector Commission has been leading the nation with its Agency Capability Review (ACR) program. The program is based on some of the latest research from experts around the world. Its objective is to deliver a sector wide approach to improvement, by identifying the capabilities needed to be a high performing, future fit agency in the Western Australian context.

This seminar explored the broad themes from the 11 reviews completed in a keynote presentation by Public Sector Commissioner, Sharyn O’Neill PSM FIPAA.

Delegates had the opportunity to hear from program leaders about the framework and reviews, from reviewers about how they approach reviews and hallmarks of agencies that have gotten the most value, and leaders of reviewed agencies about the experience.

They also came away with recommendations from the presenters for organisations who seek to learn from the ACR model to improve their own capability.

Topics included:

  • Capability themes that have emerged from completed reviews
  • The difference between a review and an audit
  • The experience of a review from an agency and co-opted reviewer perspective
  • Reporting against commitments


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